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Vision – Great leaders have vision. Learn how to do the same.


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In this 2-hour seminar, you’ll learn how vision is the glue that keeps you, your customers and your team on Stage, even in the face of uncertainty. Ask yourself this: Can you articulate your vision to potential customers so that they understand it in a few seconds? Can your employees communicate your vision to others? Can you get a group of people (like investors) to “buy into” your vision?  Can you communicate your vision better than your closest competitor? If you’re unsure of how to respond, then this seminar is for you.  You will learn how to:

  • Define a clear and measurable vision statement of vision and how to get your employees to buy into it.
  • Divide vision into 3 distinct categories which will clearly define the where, why and how of your mission.
  • How to leverage current strengths, develop new ones, and seize opportunities to help your vision become reality.

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