am·bi·tion: the persistent and generalized striving for
success, attainment, and accomplishment
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Meet Your Success Mentor Paul Tobey, CEO of Training Business Pros, Executive Consultant and one of Canada’s leading Digital Marketing Trainers. In this short video, Paul Tobey explains the THAT’S AMBITIOUS program. Are you ambitious but haven’t quite honed that energy into a successful venture?
Watch these videos!
What is That’s Ambitious?
THAT’S AMBITIOUS is an ongoing series of personal and professional development courses that deliver step-by-step solutions for achieving big goals.
Each Course Is 2 Hours: The 1st hour is step-by-step training focused on solving a specific problem. In the 2nd hour, participants are given an exercise, followed by a discussion and a Q&A period on how to properly apply the solution.
Post Training Instructions: At the end of each course, participants are given clear instructions and guidelines on what to do to next to enhance results and increase the success rate.
Why should I participate?
Learn How to Properly Harness Your Ambition: Each course is designed to help you harness your ambition so that it “fires you up and gets results,” without “burning you out” and getting you nowhere. While you may have some ambition, experience tells us that most people have yet to accomplish their mission or fulfill their purpose.
Are You Content With Your Results So Far? All you have to do is look at your current results and ask yourself, “How is my way of doing things working out so far?” If you were truly honest with yourself, you’d have to say, “I’m not quite there yet.” In our experience, almost everyone needs a mentor to help them learn new things that they simply don’t know yet.
What Other Millionaires Have Stepped Up to Help You Lately? One of the things that’s really hard to find is an actual millionaire that’s willing to help you. Paul Tobey is not only a bona fide millionaire, but he has the experience, the will and the means to step up and actually help you. Not exactly sure where you’re going to find that these days? You certainly won’t get this level of detailed guidance by reading Facebook posts.
How do I get started?
Attend Live or Via Livestream: Each 2-hour course is streamed live from our studio training facility in Toronto, Canada. You can attend each session via live stream from anywhere in the world. There is also room at our facility for a maximum 40 participants. Tickets to attend live will be distributed on a first-come-first-served basis.
What if I miss a course? No worries. Each session is recorded in HD video and uploaded to the members area.
How do I register? To register, simply click here to scroll to the registration details. You can join at any time. All courses are recorded and uploaded to the membership area for review. If you join at any point and would like to gain access to previous course video recordings, you can purchase each from our online store.
Where can I find the schedule and course descriptions? To view the schedule of upcoming courses please click here.
Ready To Harness Your Ambition?
4 really excellent Reasons to Enroll
It’s Not Easy to Find a Millionaire Mentor: You are likely aware that it’s difficult to find a great mentor. Most successful millionaires don’t have the time to mentor you as they pursue their own ambitious. But, “That’s Ambitious” is part of our give-back mission so we’ll make the time. Why? Because we had mentors that were there for us and they helped transform our lives from starving artists into millionaires.
We’ll Help You Get Measurable Results: Our mentors made us promise one thing: As soon as we’d created a measurable result, we would then have a duty and responsibility to share “how we did it” with others. It’s now time to do just that. That’s Ambitious is not about trivial platitudes and dream boards. We’ve made our millions and we’ll mentor you with very specific hard and soft skills so you can build a legacy of your own.
Learn The Skills to Create a Successful Business: In this program you will discover how to hone the skills of a successful business person, improve your mindset, increase sales, harvest profits and improve your health. Whatever big hairy audacious goals you have, we’ll help you get there.
Get a 10x ROI On Your Investment: You should be able to 10x’s your membership fee (or more) every single month and therefore we promise that you’ll get at least $2,000 idea from each and every course.
Money Back Guarantee: We can also promise you is that if you don’t like a particular course for any reason, you have 30 days to ask for a complete refund no questions asked.
Get Close to Our Circle of Influence: Our mission is to help build tomorrow’s leaders. Since 2004, we’ve built an AWESOME community of business leaders, some of whom are currently in our VIP Client Portfolio of clients. We’ve helped them scale up and earn millions. Together, we make up an outstanding circle of influence. And you can start to gain access to that circle of influence just by joining.
The Program is Very Affordable: Even though we’ve made the membership affordable, please don’t assume that we’ve compromised the great value you’ll receive from your membership. Our Executive Coaching clients must spend a minimum of $3500/month to be on our portfolio. You will have access to the same team as our VIP’s, the same CEO as our VIP’s and the same wealth of knowledge as our VIP’s. The only difference is that you will not be getting our implementation services. If you want that, please apply to our Executive Program. Our exclusive portfolio of executive consulting clients is limited to 20 CEO’s per year, and there is an application process.
Learn From the Best: Have immediate access to mentorship by Paul Tobey, one of Canada’s top business trainers and his team of experts. Training sessions combine both personal and professional development offering both soft skills and hard skills that matter in driving your real-world results.
Strong Circle of Influence: Our That’s Ambitious members are also a great source of wisdom and begin to be an important circle of influence in your success journey.
Step-by-step Instruction: Follow the step by step guidance from our mentors. Learn how to unlock your self-doubt, build your teams, increase your profits and set yourself up to hit those benchmarks you want to hit. Forget about squirreling in 20 different directions. And to help you succeed, we’ll introduce you to other millionaire CEO’s working with us, so they can also tell you how they did it, and answer your burning questions.
Join Today and Keep Going: As soon as you join, you’ll get access to your mentorship program. Start when you want. All mentorships evolve as a 1-year cycle. Jump in and out when you want. If you miss a training, no worries, you’ll get the recording in your membership portal. You’ll have 24/7 online access to your modules to use as you evolve in the process with us.
No Contracts Required: You’ll never be locked into payment contracts on this site. Once you do become a member, you can cancel your monthly payments at any time and never be charged again. Lock into your monthly fee in now and it will stay at that value for as long as you stay a member. We most likely will increase the membership fee over time, but lock it in now and it’s yours until you finish your 1-year mentorship program.
We Are Trained Trainers: We’ve been offering business training for more than 18 years all over North America. We’ve witnessed first hand the difference between a low performing leader, an average performing leader and a high performing leader. We’ve been able to light the flame of ambition in many teams helping companies make their millions.
Learn By Doing: We don’t just tell you “how to do it” or give you books to read or show you “theories” of how rich people make you money. We SHOW you how to do it, give you clear step by step guidance, hold your hand (figuratively speaking) when we need to.
Stop Wasting Time: Just stop wasting your time or money on things that don’t work. Look, if you’ve had “coaches” that just didn’t move the needle for you, don’t compare us to them. That’s not us. Our programs are created to move the needle for you on several fronts: mindset, financial gain, your physical and mental health, all to serve your healthy ambition.
What You Focus On Expands: We will focus you and help you stay on track. Our job is to keep you accountable to your big hairy audacious goals! You will learn real skills as you go.
All Courses Are Recorded: While it is more beneficial to attend each session live, don’t worry too much about missing sessions. It’s all recorded and you could go back into your member’s area to watch it as many times as you want as long as your membership is active.
Come Meet the Team: If you want to meet our team, attend your training in person. It’s probably a good idea to come in person to meet other real business owners, network, and learn how they are applying solutions to the same problems you’re facing right now. If you can’t make it in person, no problem. Our Livestream is really great, and you could participate and ask questions in the chat area.
If for any reason you are not satisfied with any of the courses, you can receive a full refund within 30 days following the course date. Since there are 2 courses per month, a single course refund will be half of your monthly tuition.