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We’ve identified 7 stages in life that are key learning benchmark’s to help accelerate one’s personal and professional success.



3. AIM





There are 4 courses in each stage.

The “Organize” stage or Stage –  voted as our customer’s “ Favorite training”.  You are now learning highly valuable lessons to help you pivot from average to outstanding.  These trainings help you get crystal clear about how to organize your time in micro-commitments and large goals. You’ll now learn about wealth and wealthy mindset. We’ve included Customer Experience in this Stage…because in business, this will help you succeed. 

Actionable Training

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Interesting Quizzes

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Premium Material

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Structure, systems and processes are the lifeblood of “how to get things done in order” for any project. In this 4-part seminar series you will learn the number one project management tool that has defined the success of our business is the early days. It’s called Agile. It’s a rather simple system, but highly effective.

How to invest your finances and your time as well as a planned giving strategy will get you to your goal faster than ever. Also in this series is a lesson in CX: customer experience.

A paying customer has many touch points with you before they purchase. It can be a touch point through a Google Ad, then they drip on your website, then they make come to your office or your retail shop, or they may have read reviews on your Facebook or Google listing first.  Then they may call your office. Leave a message or use the chat feature on your site. Learn the secrets of the pros on how to optimize your customer journey from first contact so you can convert them into a lifetime customer.

Register today for $229 per month.

Discover All 4 Courses

Course #13


When it comes to organization, it is essential that you have a system in place that is easy to use, visual, motivating, and can be used for every project that you undertake. If project management is one of the cornerstones of a successful business, then seeing that project from its initial stages through implementation and on to completion requires dedication and persistence. But along the way it’s nice to have a road map that is clear, organized and helpful.

In this three-hour session you will learn the essential elements of the world’s most powerful project management system known as Agile. And while there are entire university degrees dedicated to Agile, the basic premise and the implementation of that premise is really the only element that you need to learn.

In fact, we’ve been using the agile project management system for more than 10 years, and if you’ve ever had the chance to walk into our offices in Toronto you would notice that the agile system is being utilized pretty much everywhere.

You will learn how to:

  • Set a clear goal and break it up into manageable tasks and implement an assignment system that is not only fun but effective.
  • Setup different agile project management boards with coloured sticky notes.
  • Implement rules, procedures and accountability so that you are guaranteed a targeted and measurable outcome.

Paul Tobey | Mentor

DATE:  Thursday, November 14, 2019
TIME:  10:00 am – 12:00 pm EST

Course #14


Almost everyone in our society invests in something. But the typical investor thinks about investing in terms of protecting against loss.  Most people save for a rainy day. The problem is that your focus is on saving for a rainy day and what we’ve learned in earlier courses is that what you focus on tends to expand. Therefore you tend to get more than enough rainy days and never enough financial protection.

The standard system of “save your money” works, but it is slow, laborious and often frustrating.  Then of course there are all the tax implications. What happens if you take your money out too early, is it taxed and by how much? These are questions we would love to answer but the problem is, we tend to take advice from well-meaning friends, family members and even colleagues, not to mention the guy at the bank. The problem with that scenario is most of those people are no better off than you are. One important rule is to never take financial advice from someone who’s in the same tax bracket. This is a rule that we’ve been following for some time, and it works.

In this course, you will learn that there is more than one type of investing. While saving your money is always a good idea there are times to spend and opportunities to spend it on.

You will learn:

  • A new system known as “becoming your own banker.” Which can literally save you 10’s of thousands of dollars in taxes, pay down debt quicker and even send your kids to college.
  • That banks don’t always have your best interest at heart.
  • How to start a side business even if it’s just for tax savings.
DATE:  Thursday, November 28, 2019
TIME:  10:00 am – 12:00 pm EST

Course #15


Many of the great mentors and educators of our time such as, Tony Robbins, Brian Klemmer, Bob Proctor, Marianne Williamson, Brian Tracy and even Paul Tobey, all say the same thing in a different way: If you want more money in your life, give some away first.

Giving and philanthropy has been one of the cornerstones of wealth creation for centuries. At the heart of the giving system is one universal law which remains irrefutable, “the law of giving.” According to Deepak Chopra this law could be called “the law of giving and receiving,” because giving and receiving are part of the same action. If you want to receive more, you have to give more. Money is a symbol of the energy we give in gratitude.

This means that, if everything is measured by energy, that there is an equal and opposite energy to everything. North-south, east-west, fast-slow, up-down, in-out, forward-backward, strong-weak, agile-rigid, and of course give-receive.

When it comes to giving money, “I gave at the office” doesn’t really cut it in terms of attracting money into your life. In this highly focused and somewhat divergent course you will learn how to:

  • Create a plan to give away money without feeling like you’re losing.

  • What percentage is the best percentage to give?
  • Completely comprehend and understand the basic concept of giving before receiving.

Paul Tobey | Mentor

DATE:  Thursday, December 12, 2019
TIME:  10:00 am – 12:00 pm EST

Course #16


How to create a powerful brand identity

A brand identity is the sum total of how your brand looks, feels and speaks to people, and sometimes even how it sounds, tastes feels or even smells. Branding pro-Marty Neumeier defines a brand identity as “the outward expression of a brand, including its trademark, name, communications, and visual appearance.”

A brand identity is a way to communicate with the world, differentiate yourself from your competition, and create a brand experience that encourages people to engage with you. 

Brand stars like Apple, Levis or LEGO succeed because they know who they are and why they exist—and they use every aspect of their branding to make sure we know it, too. Brands with weak identities often struggle because they either don’t know who they are or don’t communicate it well.

You need to build a brand identity that accurately conveys your essence and is flexible enough to evolve with you. It requires deep thinking, a team with strong communication and design skills, and an intimate understanding of your brand.

How to Build a Brand Identity

This step-by-step Course will give you guidance on how to build a brand identity and focuses specifically on the elements of brand identity.

  • Step 1: Complete Your Brand Strategy
  • Step 2: Understand What a Brand Identity Is and What Makes It Great
  • Step 3: Do Your Research
  • Step 5: Build Your Brand Style Guide
  • Step 4: Build Your Identity
  • Step 6: Creating the Customer Experience (CX)

Gary Manoim | Speaker

DATE: Thursday, January 9, 2020

TIME:  10:00 am – 12:00 pm EST


Discover how to hone the skills of a successful CEO. Improve your mindset, increase sales, enhance profits, boost the value of your business and even improve your health. Whatever big hairy audacious goals you have, the That’s Ambitious mentorship program will help you get there.

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Did you know that there are awards and prizes for participating?

After participating in the program, whether that be for a single month, multiple months or an entire year, Ambitious participants can apply to present their results to a distinguished panel of “Success Experts & Investors” at the THAT’S AMBITIOUS CONFERENCE and Gala Event.

Winners will receive widespread recognition for their accomplishments as well as a variety of valuable prizes including: an exclusive vacation, a private golf club experience, customized executive consulting, digital marketing campaigns, video production, a PR campaign and more. Click here to see complete list of awards.



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