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In this 2-hour seminar, you’ll learn how vision is the glue that keeps you, your customers and your team on Stage, even in the face of uncertainty. Ask yourself this: Can you articulate your vision to potential customers so that they understand it in a few seconds? Can your employees communicate your vision to others? …

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Turning Point

Without a moment’s hesitation, we can tell you the number one question that is asked of Paul Tobey is, “What was the turning point?” “How did you get so quickly from the status of “starving artist” to “wealthy entrepreneur?” Does everyone seem to want to know what that one moment was that turned it all …

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A vs B

When it comes to the successful realization of your BHAG there are 5 central reasons why the letter A is better than the letter B. In this critical step, and the early stages of your one your journey, it is absolutely essential that you learn the five-step process that magnifies your energy attracts measurable outcomes …

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Rather than setting the bar low, so that you can avoid disappointment, why not set the bar high and finally realize significant change. In this “3-hour highly recommended and essential to your outcome” seminar you will learn how to: Complete the all-important “true hearts desire intensity scale” exercise. Get your BHAG for the coming year. …

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Deeply Committed

What many people fail to understand, is what deep commitment actually means and how to manufacture it in your life. Self-discipline is one of the key pillars of deep commitment. It means: how to focus on what you really want, versus what you want right now. In this 3-hour kickoff seminar to the “That’s Ambitious” …

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