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The Year in Business Master Plan

Would you agree that most small business owners have some idea of what they want to accomplish in 2021? What they may not have, is a plan on how to get there. Watch this course to begin the first steps of accomplishing your goals in 2021.

SEO Trends 2021

Getting traffic to your website has never been easy, and frankly, it’s not going to get easier in 2021.  SEO is unfamiliar territory for most business owners, many of whom invest regularly in professionals to do it for them.  I happen to be one of those professionals and have been doing SEO since Google was …

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WordPress Sales Funnel Tutorial

In the step-by-step instructional video you will learn the essential steps to setting up a profitable sales funnel for your business using WordPress.  Buyers have choices, and in order for you to capture your share of the business you’ll need to attract attention, capture leads, automate the follow up, offer incentives and close the deal. …

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How to Get Your Life Together 2020

For the most part, That’s Ambitious courses have focused on personal and professional development, and I’ve taken the responsibility of putting our courses together very seriously. But perhaps it’s time for a little less serious learning and a bit more fun? What do you think? Anyway, people often tell me, “Hey Paul, you seem so …

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Creative Problem Solving

You Can’t Solve a Problem with the Same Mind That Created It! You are ultimately creative, and your energy is magnetic.  Your creative magnetic energy is the energy you must learn to harness it you’re going to solve life’s problems.  Whether your problems are financial, relationships, health, strategic, business-oriented or you just can’t decide what …

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The Year in Review

At the time of this presentation, it’s been a little more than a year since That’s Ambitious was launched.  In that time, well over 100 hours of training videos have been created and put into the members’ area, not to mention all the Mastermind Recordings, Facebook Live Sessions and more. It’s a lot…. Whew! In …

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Marketing III

Hypnotic copywriting captures attention, puts people into a focused mental state, creates curiosity, compels them to read more and persuades them to buy.  Just like a good book that you can’t put down, marketing messages laced with the “secret psychology of persuasion” can do the same thing.   You’ll learn: What common mistake do copywriters make …

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Hypnotic Copywriting

Hypnotic Copywriting

Hypnotic copywriting captures attention, puts people into a focused mental state, creates curiosity, compels them to read more and persuades them to buy.  Just like a good book that you can’t put down, marketing messages laced with the “secret psychology of persuasion” can do the same thing.   You’ll learn: What common mistake do copywriters make …

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The Essential Guide to Online Course Creation

Today’s course focuses on Learning Marketing combined with marketing automation.  You’ll learn: What you will need in terms of software to get the job done. How to increase enrollments. How to increase revenue for your courses as well as other products and services.

Zoom Webinar

Discover Our New Training Platform. Paul Tobey has been training business teams and individuals in best practices since 2004. This new That’s Ambitious program is perfect for anyone who wants to learn proven formulas for success. That’s Ambitious Mastermind. If you’ve never been in a mastermind before, it’s hard to anticipate the value that can bring to …

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Youth Choices

How did he get this way? And how do you get your kids to get this way? There are a number of parenting secrets that will be revealed in this critically important seminar. Whether we’re talking about your kids or your grandkids, you will need to learn, practice and understand how to be a mentor, …

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Monthly All Access Pass

Your monthly subscription includes 2 courses per month.  The courses are presented bi-weekly from our studio in Toronto. You may attend in person at our facility or you can attend online via HD Livestream.  For a complete schedule visit this web page. If attending online, you will be able to ask questions from the trainer/mentor as …

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Cash Flow

Money will magnify the person that you truly are. When you learn that you can do more good with money than you can without, it that’s when you are in a true state of attraction. Yes, some people do bad things with money, but others like you can do great good. In this course you …

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